Lauren H
Lauren Harrison
Veterinarian & Practice Owner

Lauren graduated from The University of Melbourne in 2008. She started at Camperdown Veterinary Cen… More

Kathy Gillies
Kathy Gillies
Veterinarian (Bachelor of Science (Hons) & Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Hons))

Kathy graduated with a veterinary degree from the University of Queensland in 1997 and commenced wor… More

Gemma Oreilly
Gemma O’Reilly
Veterinarian (Bachelor Of Veterinary Science Hons)

Gemma has come to Camperdown Veterinary Centre after working predominantly across south-western Vic… More

Maddy Davis
Veterinarian (Bachelor Of Veterinary Science (Hons) & Bachelor Of Veterinary Biology)

Maddy grew up in Central West NSW working on a wool and lamb farm. After completing placement at CVC in 2020… More

Caitlin Hancock
Veterinarian (Bachelor Of Veterinary Science & Bachelor Of Veterinary Biology)

Caitlin grew up on a small farm on the south coast of NSW. She moved to Wagga after year 12 to start her Veterinary… More

Sarah Wise
Sarah Wise
Practice Manager

Sarah is a UK import. After 12 years travelling around the world as a Polo groom, she ended up in Au… More

Jennifer Downie
Jennifer Downie
Financial Administrator

Jennifer (Jenn) is our resident Canadian. Before coming to Camperdown, Jenn worked in a “full … More

Suzanne Cameron

Suzanne Cameron was born and bred in Camperdown and has always had a great love for animals, she grew up with ….. More

Jess Dickson
Jess Dickson
Veterinary Nurse (Cert IV Veterinary Nursing)

Jess is also a Camperdown local. Growing up on a beef farm fuelled her love of all animals… More

Jacqui Arundell
Jacqui Arundell
Veterinary Nurse (Cert IV Veterinary Nursing)

Jacqui, the youngest member of our team, is a Terang girl who has grown up in an animal-loving home…  More

Angela Clifford
Veterinary Nurse (Cert IV Veterinary Nursing)

Ange joined the team at CVC in August and comes to us with 12years experience….. more

nikita profile pic
Nikita Buchholz
Veterinary Nurse (Cert IV Veterinary Nursing)

Nikita grew up on a sheep and cropping farm just North of Lismore, Victoria…. More

Charlie P
Charlie Poustie
Trainee Veterinary Nurse (Cert IV Veterinary Nursing)

Charlie is the youngest member of our team, who started working as our Saturday morning helper… More

Jess S
Jessica Shepherd
Veterinary Nurse (Cert IV Veterinary Nursing)

Jessica is from Kongorong, South Australia, and has grown up on her family’s beef and sheep… More

Rhianna Bateman
Rhianna Bateman
Veterinary Nurse (Cert IV Veterinary Nursing)

Rhianna spent most of her childhood helping her Dad and Grandad on their family dairy farm in Boorca… More